International Biodiversity Goal By 2020

Biodiversity is protected and well managed in the world’s most outstanding natural places.

International Biodiversity Goal By 2050

The integrity of the most outstanding natural places on Earth is conserved, contributing to a more secure and sustainable future for all.

In Gurase Valley Wild Life species are terribly endangered due to continuously illegal hunting. Himalayan Musk Deer, Snow Leopards, Himalayan Ibex, Black Bear and Himalayan Monal (Lanth) are at last breath. There is also plants species i.e. Bermi (Taxus baccata), Taxol, Kuth (Sassuria lappa) and Pitrees. Deforestation, habitat degradation and havoc of plant species and other natural resources are at its peak due to negligence of government authorities, incapability of line departments’ staff and ignorance & lack of awareness among public regarding nature conservation.

ACKLASC Department of AJ&K Government has ablation thousands numbers of plants in the Valley. The existed forests were existed on 70% area of Gurase Valley before 30 years back but now it is only 15% while Forest Department claims its 25%. The field staff of AJK Wild Life and Forest Departments didn’t play their role regarding the deforestation and Killing of Wild Life. In these circumstances community is also involved in deforestation, illegal hunting and pillage of natural resources.

Its need to raise awareness among the communities about concepts and benefits of the national park, protect Forests, wild life and Natural resources, its optimum utilization for development. It is also a need of time to capacity building of the field staff of line departments engaged in the protected area.

There is need of a project funded to Local Organizations as its the need of time to stop the large scaled deforestation and destruction of wild life and other natural resources in Gurase Valley. If the communities are further no awaken to protect the Biodiversity then soon the time will come when we will have situation of desolation, havoc, unwatered and un grassed world.

As Nature Conservation is one of the major program components of “Sustainable Development Organization” ; we aimed to protect Forests, Wild Life, Natural resources of the area. It is our urge to awareness raising in community in area regarding Nature Conservation and its suitable utilization for development of the area.

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